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Monday, October 31, 2005

Yeah so it's Halloween here in the States. Candy, candy, candy and more candy. America is coming obese the news says. Noooo! I wonder how that could ever happen? And in front of our very eyes?!!? Little 6 year olds came to my house tonight with pounds (yes, literally pounds) of candy in their bag. It's not like these kids are going to go jogging and then have only one candy bar a day. No, these kids will finish off their stash in about two weeks. And there is no excercise or other activities to burn off the pounds of candy added on. But hey, could just be me. I say next year we hand out nothing. Or if I come to your house have the urge to hand out free cars (cause we wouldn't want a trick now would we?). Grrrr.....fat 6 year olds. At least wait until you have an excuse.

Enjoyed the recent pcpodcast about audio. But who are they trying to appeal to here? Those "cheap" wireless mikes were in the 400 range. Like to see them buy audio equipment with the church's money. Not so easy. Although I have found some cheap priced quality audio mixers on eBay. What would we do without that place. Might buy one if anyone wants to throw a free mic and some loose coaxial cable my way. It's for a good cause. And if anyone knows how to build a transmitter please speak up, your services would be greatly appreciated. Maybe Stamper would pitch in, he gives me stuff, I broadcast to his house. Sorry, I do not know of anyone else in a closer proximity who reads this blog other than Micah. Please do not be offended.

Prizes will be offered for the person who comes up with a new closing line for the end of all my posts. Please do not be disapointed if the prize is just gold stars, some children in India don't even have gold stars.

Peace out


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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8:36 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

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8:37 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

the $400 wireless microphones are for those looking to record conferences/special events on a regular basis (as we do for macp and sgi as well as other big events at the church). we've been asked to make such recommendations. . .and believe it or not, $400 is a good price for that kind of system. most others i looked at were over $1,000.

thanks for the recognition though. that is usually always positive.

peace and java

11:19 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmm - - - a new closing line for the blog - - - how about something like "If you think I'M cool, you oughta meet my aunt" or "Get off my plane" or "Honey, your car's in a tree around the corner."??? No??? Hmmmmm how about something new and exciting like "Eric" or "bye" or "buy bonds" - - - ?!?!? Okay - I'll stick to reading from here on out!!! :)
Aunt B

3:26 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

so you need a closing line, hmm. What about "Long live to PCs and death to the Pretender." Think about it. IT does have a nice ring to it.

9:18 PM


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