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Saturday, June 18, 2005

Have been busy (and lazy) the last few weeks so I haven't posted. But now I am. And of course now you don't get to read about all of the great events that have happened in my life because I have forgotten. I am so sorry.

Well school is out now. But work is taking its place. Started at the Jackson-Dawson warehouse Monday. Done anything from organizing things for tours to loading trucks to taking down those "lovely" open house tents to "earning my degree in coneology" (washing hundreds of cones). I work there on Mon and Fri, then some other days I work for someone else and do anything from weedwacking to cleaning gutters to installing windows. And on Wed is 6v6. So thats my schedule for the summer so far.

This next week is camp up at Northland. Should be fun. But as for now I have to listen to my drunk neighbors have an open house. People across the pond from me keep on breaking out in song every minute or so and are cranking classic rock in the meantime. Pretty funny to listen to though. The kid's drunk uncle keeps on shouting "This party sucks!" every once in a while.

Well I will be back to blog next week and will tell all about camp and such.

Peace out


Anonymous Anonymous said...

thanks for the post.

5:59 PM


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