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Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Day 13:

Today is a Tuesday in "PC world". There have been some drastic changes since I first joined this group of primitive individuals. I am fortunate enough to record my experiences for future mac users. Well, today I have decided to label the individuals I have come in contact with. I start with the one I call "Brandon." - when I first started referring to him as "Brandon" the others seemed to follow my actions. I think I may have come up with some coincidence in their language. My guess is that "Brandon" means quiet, tall one. This character has shown signs of not yelling at some of the others even when they are being their normal selves" stupid. Now to the next one. There is a sorta tall, one with more hair than the others. I have labeled this one "Mike". Once again the others have picked up on it and call him "Mike" too. This one has shown signs of aggression, quietness, and stupidity. He seems to exclude himself from the others by performing strange rituals. Many times I have seen him take a needle and poke himself with it. At first the others watched intently, but then interest declined and they no longer pay attention. My guess is that he was dropped on his head as a tiny pc user. There is another pc user in the group. The next one I have labeled "Caleb". He is the shortest one of the group and appears to be the youngest. But what he lacks in size he makes up for in cranial mass. This one seems to me like the comic relief of the group. It could also be he is not a full pc user because often times I (yes, I) am the only one who gets his "jokes". Also, I have seen this one, on multiple ocassions, talking to himself. The others have looked down upon it and even laughed at it, but he seems to be persistent about it. When I watch him he seems to be talking to someone on his feet, and this person seems to be making a joke because the subject laughs. Very odd tendencies this one "Caleb" has. There is another. A fast growing, white skinned, skinny, no haired, smelly, one. I have labeled this one "Subject X", but for now I will call him "Micah". This one is always carrying around some sort of pad that he continuosly writes things on. He seems to be knowing what he is doing, and sometimes causes lights to blink on the pad. This one seems to know the most about the world they live in. He will help many people who are having trouble with their pc, and he even brags to the others about being able to build one. This one tends to show some aggression. I do believe it is sparked when a supposed lady friend stops by his world. I have dubbed her "Bonnie," even though she is not part of the pc users group. His skin can go from paly white to crimson red faster than he can put a coach in a double leg takedown. He seems embarassed when she comes around and will often crawl away into his subworld of that little pad he carries. I think I heard him call it a "Pocket PC". But he is not the last member of the group. There is this one who seems to me like a vagrant wanderer. He will stay only for the food then will disapear into parts unknown. He has not announced himself an official pc user yet. He is often times comparing his world to the others. Maybe soon they will perform a very rare initiation ritual that I will be able to view firsthand. Well, now you know who I am observing. When more groundbreaking discovories are made I will have to write them down. But for now I must face being the only mac user in a world of pc users. Oh woe is me.

excerpt from "PC Users in the Mist" Chapter 1, page 15, para. 1-8


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