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Sunday, May 15, 2005

Yesterday was the final play performance. I went really well, and everyone rememebered their lines unlike Friday night. The audience actually laughed at the jokes and actually understood it all. Here are some memorable lines: *Hmm.. this table is filthy," "Prism! Come here! Prism, where is that baby?!?", "I could deny it if I liked," "We are,", and the most important one, "Ding-dong!"

Been trying to get someone to lend me something for quite a while now. Everytime they come over I say, "Hey, let's trade...", but to no reply. But this other day this person brought that thing to school with them. After showing it off for a while someone just randomly asks if they could borrow it for the week. And of course this person lets the other person borrow it, right in front of me. Oh well.

Peace out


Anonymous Anonymous said...

the play seems like such a distant memory. i need to finish the dvds. . .and you need to post something new.

7:25 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You gotta get this picture thing fixed. All the pictures on your blog are missing.

12:45 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

you might want to look into hello. hopefully it works on mac. . .otherwise you might have to buy a real computer

1:23 PM


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