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Wednesday, November 02, 2005

True to my word, I am posting.

Just saw Stars Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith. Very good. Probably the best one of em all. Many sword fights and more loss of appendages than number of mac users. Interesting to see how the plot Lucas has develeped for 20 some years has finally gotten tied together. For those of you who have not seen it yet I would greatly encourage going out and buying it. Don't just rent it, this one's a keeper (LucasArts pays me to say that).

Some people out in viewer land seem to not be able to get enough of "PC Users in the Mist." I am under contract now to write a new excerpt by Christmas. Two things: 1) art cannot be rushed, 2)you pay me for my excerpts I'll rush all the art I can. So to those of you who enjoyed week 13 of the novel, be patient, more will come.

Currently working on the picture situation. Only Caleb Selstad can view the pics so far. He must be the Choosen One (haha, little does he know, please refer to paragraph 2 above).

Peace out


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