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Monday, April 25, 2005

Remember Mai Ya Hee (Numa Numa Dance)? Well I have that song on my computer and was playing it today. Well I decided to crank that little sucker all the way up and put the bass boost on. Now if you've ever seen the "cute" little speakers for the G4 well you'd be surprised at what these little babies can dish out. You ever seen those big subwoofers that are cranking out the tunes how they just shake and vibrate so much. It's almost like you can see the sound waves coming out. Well thats what those little babies did. These things are like 3-4 inches tall and boy did they live up to the Apple reputation (due to bias pc owners who read this, Apple reputation is good). Who'd thunk such stylish little speakers could actually do something like that. Well little things amaze me (get it? haha, little speakers! haha). Oh well, if you were amused by the speakers please comment. If you hate me please comment.

So we have this homework thing we have to do. We have to record our calories for 24 hours. Well me and Mike decided to mess up the system (we still haven't figured out what the system is but that won't stop us from messing it up). Our normal intake is for men is 3400 calories a day. We are going to try to come close to doubling that. I figure that if I eat about 10 cookies (250 C) it out to get me close. So all today we've been snacking on chips, pudding, cookies, and whatever else we can find. Why are we doing this? I don't know. Please comment on your opinion about this.

Peace out


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you should know that whenever you have to tell someone that something is good (like the rep of the mac) that chances are pretty good it isn't true. . .like when a used car salesman tells you he is honest.

while i'll admit the mac has some advantages over the pc, the battle goes not to the swift, but to the versatile/well-supported. resistance is futile.

enjoyed the bit about donating in your previous post. thanks for the warning.

11:54 PM


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