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Saturday, April 30, 2005

So yesterday was MACS (Michigan Association of Christian Schools). It beats school, thats all I can say. We once again pointed out that we play sports, not music. You go into this school (Bethany Christian) and the rooms are decked with MACS trophies. Their little band and orchestra rooms had more than our entire senior high and junior high combined. This is what they live for. We want to have that last minute p.k., or that last second game winning shot, or even a home run. They want to have that breathtaking performance on their oboe, or take first place in the science fair and academic testing, or even take all three places in textile design or some other weird category. I heard that some of these kids get up at 5:30 to practice their instruments before school, then practice at school, then go to a lesson, then come home and practice. Can you say obsession? They also had to wear bowties (guys) and prom dresses (girls), that would really bite. Here we are running around throwing stuff at each other and they just walk around with their sousaphone clutched under one arm hoping that they got a 1 rating. But enough said. I don't want flak from all of the people from those other shools.

And just remember, you never ask someone how long they've been diabetic. Shame on you if you ever have.

Peace out

Monday, April 25, 2005

Remember Mai Ya Hee (Numa Numa Dance)? Well I have that song on my computer and was playing it today. Well I decided to crank that little sucker all the way up and put the bass boost on. Now if you've ever seen the "cute" little speakers for the G4 well you'd be surprised at what these little babies can dish out. You ever seen those big subwoofers that are cranking out the tunes how they just shake and vibrate so much. It's almost like you can see the sound waves coming out. Well thats what those little babies did. These things are like 3-4 inches tall and boy did they live up to the Apple reputation (due to bias pc owners who read this, Apple reputation is good). Who'd thunk such stylish little speakers could actually do something like that. Well little things amaze me (get it? haha, little speakers! haha). Oh well, if you were amused by the speakers please comment. If you hate me please comment.

So we have this homework thing we have to do. We have to record our calories for 24 hours. Well me and Mike decided to mess up the system (we still haven't figured out what the system is but that won't stop us from messing it up). Our normal intake is for men is 3400 calories a day. We are going to try to come close to doubling that. I figure that if I eat about 10 cookies (250 C) it out to get me close. So all today we've been snacking on chips, pudding, cookies, and whatever else we can find. Why are we doing this? I don't know. Please comment on your opinion about this.

Peace out

Saturday, April 23, 2005

Finally got Halo (Happy Birthday to me!). Yes, I know, it took me long enough. But have you ever tried to find a game for the Mac? It ain't an easy task. But once you find the game it is well worth the search. I personally think that this version (Mac) is better than the PC or XBox. There are more maps, more weapons, and more vehicles (rocket launcher on a Warthog, Banshee in multiplayer). Currently on level 3, I think, of the campaign. It's pretty neat so far. I also tried to do multiplayer online mode (56K rocks!). It actually worked 10x better and 10x longer than my Medal of Honor game. And no one swore at me or kicked me off. It would work fine for about the first 5 minutes you play. Then you start walking through walls, respawning 3 times at once, and having a wee bit of a delayed trigger. Then the last step is not being able to move, firing 30 seconds after you hit the mouse, and being one place one second then on the other side of the map another second. Either I didn't slow anyone down with the 56K, or they didn't mind it because it wasn't that bad, or they just never figured out that it was me who had the 56K. Remember, you can still donate to the HEGCICF. So far I have collected 50 cents (please no anonymous donations). You must be 18 or older to donate. Please consult a physician before donating. If you are Norwegian or may become Norwegian please do not donate. Do not operate heavy machinery after donating. Side affects include: nausea, upset stomach, flu, diarrhea, headaches, sweating, vomitting, dizziness, pain in the right arm, and times of choking. Thank you for donating or considering donating to the HEGCICF. (You can buy the fuscha colored wristbands at any participating Value Village).

It's driver's license time!

Peace out

Monday, April 18, 2005

Schulz enters, closes the door behind him. From OFF comes
Bagradian's voice: A double-talk German gibberish in the
characteristic guttural sounds of der Fuehrer.

Schulz stops, mystified.

Bagradian stands on a stool giving a lecture to some thirty
P.O.W.s, all of them with their backs towards Schulz.
Bagradian's face cannot be seen as he holds the Mein Kampf
book in front of it. Schulz listens for a little while to
Bagradian's ranting and raving. Then he stamps his foot.

Gentlemen! Gentlemen! Attention!

Bagradian lowers the book. He too is made up as Hitler. He
raises his arm in the Nazi salute.

Heil, Hitler!

Heil, Hitler!

He catches himself, lowers the arm.

Droppen Sie dead.

(a la Hitler)
Quiet! We are indoctrinating!
(to the others)
Is you all indoctrinated?

(in unison)

Is you all good Nazis?


Is you all little Adolfs?


Then we shall all zalute Feldwebel
von und zu Schulz! About face!

The P.O.W.s wheel around and face Schulz. They are all made
up as Hitler.

Sieg heil! Sieg heil! Sieg Heil!

After each 'Sieg heil' they raise their arms in salute.

Ach! One Fuehrer is enough! Now
please, gentlemen! Take off the
mustaches immediately. Or do you
want me arrested by the Gestapo?


You would be very sorry to get a new
Feldwebel. Somebody without a sense
of humor.

These are just a few of the lines from Stalag 17. A comical movie about prisoners of war. It's a classic.

Well enjoy.

Peace out

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Here is another thing I made. This one is currently hanging on my dad's G.I. Joe room (see background).

Sorry its so big. Photoshop doesn't believe that I shrunk it down. Photoshop can be very persistent and naggy that way. More to come soon.

Peace out

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Below is a picture of what I have hanging on my bathroom door. On the paper a put a tag above it that reads: "What happens here stays here."

I will try to get more pics up here of some better photoshop funnies. This one isn't as good as the others. But for now this will do.

Peace out

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Well there comes a time in every man's life when he must do two things: 1) go back to school after spring break, and 2) buy a minivan. Furtonately, the second one comes optional. But, yes, it is that time of year again when we go back to school after our much earned break (earned? whatever.). The hardest part of coming back is trying to remember your locker combonitaion. It seems you can open your locker every time, but if you try to say the com to yourself you can't remember it. I guess that can be good at times because it keeps us from giving our com away even under the most stickiest of wickets (don't ask). But if you can open your locker then you are way ahead of the rest of us. The next step is remembering if we had homework or not. Some teachers think it's cool to hand out homework over break (won't mention any names), but yet it is not. So after that stage is through you just have to make it through the rest of the day. Good luck with that.

If anyone would like to give to the Help Eric Get A Cable Internet Connection Fund please feel free to do so. Donations are accepted in $5, $10, $20, and $500 amounts. Thank you.
This ad was sponsored by the HEGACICF (a division of GTYGJSIHOSJ Investors which is a division of ASDFGHJK Inc.)

Peace out

Thursday, April 07, 2005

Spring Break this week. Finally found out about that thing that people call sleep. Its so fun I'll think I'll do more of it. I just can't get enough of the stuff.

Spent most of this break redoing my room. Looks pretty cool if I do say so myself. I had this border in the middle of my room that I replaced with cork. Now it won't hurt so much when I fall against the wall. You see, I think these things out. Pain is a bad memory to relive. Hey, thats kind of a catchy quote. Remember you read it hear first (I think).

Well now I must go. And as I bid good-bye remember just one thing: "Pain is a bad memory to relive" - Eric Ritchardson (almighty scholar and well-known peacemaker to Palau and Indonesia)

Peace out

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