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Monday, August 30, 2004

First day of school. New faces. New lockers. New classes. New teachers. New experiences.

Kinda bummed I didn't get locker # 111 or 99. I had 55 and 88 last two years and kinda wanted to keep the whole same digit thing going. Oh well, I'll try to pick it up again next year. The new number this year is 139, so drop by sometime and say hey. It's good to be in the smart math this year. We only have 13 people in most of our classes compared to the other "half" which has 25. Small classes are good, especially for reports. And you don't have to wait as long for everyone to finish homework. More on school later.

Mac or PC? This is the question of the century [besides regular vs. goofy (go goofy)] Many people have been blinded and lied to and have chosen a PC. I mean come on, the difference is definitely clear. Its like the diference between and 8-track and a DVD (DVD being a mac). Would you rather being looking at bring two dimensional windows or colorful 3-D windows on a MAC. Example of how good a mac is: family bought a computer in '92. Still works great but it was outdated so we got a new one. That computer lasted 11 years. A computer pro told us we'd have gone through probably 3 PC's in that same time and they still would't be as good as the mac. Proof to you that MACs are way ahead of their time and they hold up great. Why do you think PC companies have to have tech support for their customers? It's because they don't hold up and they have to keep on getting fixed. There is a joke that everyone hates MACs, even hackers. Well it's true. When's the last time you've heard of a virus on a MAC? Very rare. While PC's are quite frequent, macs are so good that hackers and virus writers can't do anything to them. They hate them, they don't make them any money or pleasure at all. Im gonna leave it at that and let you decide for yourself which system is better.

Peace out


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