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Thursday, August 12, 2004

Be patient my public. These works of art (posts) take a while to conceive. And I have had more output than other blogs I know. I am off to Indiana tonight to see family. Will not be back until Sunday so do not expect any more posts until then. But in the meantime if you need something special like an autograph or a homecooked meal email me using the wonders of the modern day internet (bmjeritch@provide.net). But for now I must keep my public waiting then I will post after my stay in the wonderfully flat land of Indiana.

This line has been stuck in my head all day so I thought I mine as well get it stuck in your heads too: "The stars shine bright tonight above Allen Park. And who are the stars?" "We are the stars!". Ahh... the wonderful days of NBT. To be reminisced upon later in life. So be patient and speak softly but carry a big stick. I'll leave you the weekend to figure that one out.

Peace out


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