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Monday, August 02, 2004

Sleep over was crazy. Whoever thought that there were so many video games? Of course me, with my mad gaming skill conquered them all. NOT! I am so stinkin terrible at video games I've pretty much given up playing them. I thought I would do pretty decent in the ever-popluar classic "Super Smash Bros." (Super Smacker). But yet I was wrong and I got defeated by Caleb in a disappointing score of 5-1 (I like to look at the happy side of it: it wasn't a shut out). Moving on in the tournament I decided to play Street. Did terrible the first game. Won the second game and proved a fact: no white boy can dunk good (stupid Kidd). Not that I was out of the tournament I decided to watch others beat their games in like twenty minutes as I try to figure out how to shoot the stupid puck in NHL. Yeah, that was cool. Me and Brandon were being demolished (don't i just make it sound so bad?) by Smith and Byers. Then we caught on to the game and starting closing the gap in each game. After our like 7th game we decided to pull our goalie to get the extra help. Well they decide to pull their's too. No problem we thought. Well in like 5 seconds they score. And then they score again. And again. So we put our goalie back in. And they score again. We only scored on their empty net 4 times. The final score was something like 19- 6.

Only got like 3 hours of sleep the whole night (or morning). Then I went to the Tally's for swimming. But it turned out they'd all rather play Halo then enjoy fresh excersise. And yeah, you guessed it, I came in last every time we played except for one. But by then it didnt matter. After Tally's it was off to softball playoffs. Stayed like two minutes then went off to Wyandotte to see this wakeboarding thingy. Unfortunately, we missed it because my mom didn't look to see what time it was. So it was off to home. Then to hear the bad news that the team was out of the playoffs. Then to do nothing until Monday.

And here we are on this cheery Monday. I volunteered at NBT to work on the buses. Left at 8:30 to pick up the kids. Dropped them off and waited for them to sign in. Then I got chosen to help with the little fourth graders. Man, those kids are crazy. We had to sit and make sure they behaved and lead the songs for them and tell them where to go. Finally we got to "rally time" and i thought it would be a little easier, but, as usual, I was wrong. It got worse and worse and worse. Kids won't stop talking, they're hitting each other, ripping off their wrist bands, and trying to leave the gym. Finally, we got to take the kids home and end the day. Well that was my weekend plus a Monday.

Peace out


Anonymous Anonymous said...

just wondering when there will be a new post.

1:13 PM


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