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Friday, August 27, 2004

This week was all devoted to soccer. Soccer, soccer, soccer. I have seen so much black and white this week I don't know the difference between a penguin and a ball. I just kick it if it's coming at me. I have been drilled so much that when I close my eyes at night my dreams are running around cones. Not only have I been drilled, but I have been running to the point of where I might attempt suicide (that was a joke, so don't call the Crisis Intervention Unit or anything like that). With all this running I'm very thankful for drugs (legal). I just load up on drugs and hope that my muscles become numb during practice. Please don't be sold on to painkillers and go to some rehab place. That would be very bad for the rep of this blog.

School. Need I say anything more? It might be good for you but I really don't like it (I would say hate, but that would be bad for the blog's rep). I have to get up early every morning now, go to school, come home, do homework, go to bed and do it all over again. It gets kinda monotonous after 10 years. More later on the "joys" of school.

Peace out


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