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Wednesday, March 24, 2004

2 more days until Spring Break!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Finished matting my photo for MACS. If you want to see it come to MACS on Friday. If you are all ready going take some time and stop by the art room to see the photo. Ahhh...MACS...the only time in the year that people either show off their talents or are forced to sing in front of some judges that never look up at you. Our school is definetly not a fine arts school and we should leave it that way. We don't want to become like Bethany and have a tuba in each classroom so whenever the kids finish their wok they can just practice their scales or whatever. Yeah, we don't want to become like that. But it is kind of bad that we lose to all of the other schools in every category (except photograohy). They spend so much time with their music that they don't get to enjoy the outdoors or the thrill of sports. While on the other hand we have plenty of time for sports and only 8 people in our band! I don't know if you can much better than that. Speaking of our band, you should come by and see us play our little ditty. Mr. Flower said that if we place he will throw us a pizza party. Hopefully that will give our group enough encouragement to do well for once.

I must sign off leaving you with the famous words of Ghandi's pet monkey: "Uwww, awww, aww, uwww, awww ,uwww!"

Peace out

Tuesday, March 23, 2004

3 days until Spring Break!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why did someone ever create tests? I mean who would ever think of such a terrible way to educate poor, innocent kids? And why do the teachers have to take advantage of this so called test and give two to three on the same day? Don't these teachers have something better to do than to give their students lots of work on one night while they go play hockey or watch CNN? And why am I asking so many questions? I don't know!!!!!!

Can't wait until our first baseball game. I think our team is good enough that we will have a good season this year. I finally did good in the batting cages and can't wait to hit some more right back at the coach. I'm not sure but I might become some sort of relief pitcher for Stephen and Daniel. Mark and David showed me some techniques at practice and gave me advice on how to get more power. For now I'll just try to be a good infielder and work on my skills for batting and fielding.

Peace out

Monday, March 22, 2004

4 more days until Spring Break!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That is all I have to say today so I will shut up now and quit writing.

Peace out

Sunday, March 21, 2004

I have finished my pics that I am going to use for MACS. I have two really good pics and don't know which one to submit. It's a tough choice so I'll just have to hope that Eeni-Meeni-Minee-Mo chooses the future winning pic (which is mine).

Having two girls from a Maranatha group staying at my house tonight. Luckily I don't have to give up my room to them.

Found out that my parents will be gone from Monday to Wednesday! They are going up to Frankenmeuth for their anniversary and leaving me all alone with my overly bossy sister. Glad that they will be gone for a few but sad cause I still have to put up with Janelle.

I've been having urges to go paintballing lately. So if anyone would like to go please tell me. I haven't gone in a while and would do anything to go. My paintballs are just waiting to explode on someone.

Peace out

Wednesday, March 17, 2004

Happy St. Patty's day everyone! Today was also my sister's birthday! She is now 18 and will be able to finally vote for anyone she wants (especially my personal favorite: the head of the education board of Brownstown). Pretty soon she will be going to college and I will miss her but for now I wish she would just move away.

People need to realize that Allen Park is not the richest and best city in MI. And also that Brownstown is not all flat land that is so open and there is so much property to choose from that it is all cheap. It is especially ironic since these people hate "concrete jungles" that they say they would rather live up north while on the other hand they make fun of the open land in the south.

Peace out

Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Bummer of a day. The girls vball lost in quarterfinals to Lenawee. They probably could have beaten them if Lenawee didn't have this beastly animal on steiroids. They season is over and now Janelle will never again play high school vball. The boys bball didnt do much better either. They lost to Oakland by about ten points. I guess the rumor is true that it is hard to beat a team three times in one season.

Started baseball today. I learned two things: don't let the coach get hit with the ball and whenever you miss a grounder dont say "Dang it" and throw your glove down (Pasta). Of course you wouldnt have to worry about that if you had never missed the grounder in the first place.

Peace out

Wednesday, March 10, 2004

I am mad at the computer so there will be no blog today. I am so sorry.

Peace out

Monday, March 08, 2004

Don't you hate it when your good friends get a girlfriend? Whenever the girl is around they act too cool for everyone and they try to show off for them. They should just be themselves and not be all pushy and try to make others look bad, cause, hey, that is why they liked them in the first place, cause they were being themselves. So all of you out there in viewer land if you like a girl just be yourself about it and if you want to look cool, first of all, dont try to, and second, dont try to make me look bad.

Toigo and I went to our field Saturday. We went through about 600 -700 rounds and only hit each other twice. He got hit in the the stomach and the chest but came back by hitting me in the side and right in the face. He will pay for that next time we play. He should expect no mercy.

Peace out

Friday, March 05, 2004

Yo ya'll! Varsity volleyball won Districts! They beat an academy of business and technology school. They were a school for special kids like Mr Smiths school except these kids were nerds. Our 8th grade all star team couldve beaten them easily. But hey, I dont care how bad they were Im just glad they won.

I go pballing with Toigo tomorrow to try out our new skills. He is gonna come out of the pball field painted all sorts of colors, while I'll be clean. After that I go onward to his house to do nothing but XBox and sit around (You do not know how fun that can really be).

Peace out

Wednesday, March 03, 2004

Nothing to blog about. Sorry to disapoint you.

Peace out

Tuesday, March 02, 2004

I have found the perfect paintball area. Located in scenic Gibraltar this field is rich in bushes and mounds. Laid throughout are trees the perfect distance apart, just right to hide behind and just right to be able to shoot through. Me and Matt Toigo are probably going sometime this week to check it out and try our skill with a little stalking game of 1 v 1.

Janelle's vball season is finally over. It ended with a victory over Lutheran sumtin land. Im am happy that I dont have to go to any more games, and I am sad cause I want to see her play.

Peace out

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