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Tuesday, March 23, 2004

3 days until Spring Break!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why did someone ever create tests? I mean who would ever think of such a terrible way to educate poor, innocent kids? And why do the teachers have to take advantage of this so called test and give two to three on the same day? Don't these teachers have something better to do than to give their students lots of work on one night while they go play hockey or watch CNN? And why am I asking so many questions? I don't know!!!!!!

Can't wait until our first baseball game. I think our team is good enough that we will have a good season this year. I finally did good in the batting cages and can't wait to hit some more right back at the coach. I'm not sure but I might become some sort of relief pitcher for Stephen and Daniel. Mark and David showed me some techniques at practice and gave me advice on how to get more power. For now I'll just try to be a good infielder and work on my skills for batting and fielding.

Peace out


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