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Sunday, March 21, 2004

I have finished my pics that I am going to use for MACS. I have two really good pics and don't know which one to submit. It's a tough choice so I'll just have to hope that Eeni-Meeni-Minee-Mo chooses the future winning pic (which is mine).

Having two girls from a Maranatha group staying at my house tonight. Luckily I don't have to give up my room to them.

Found out that my parents will be gone from Monday to Wednesday! They are going up to Frankenmeuth for their anniversary and leaving me all alone with my overly bossy sister. Glad that they will be gone for a few but sad cause I still have to put up with Janelle.

I've been having urges to go paintballing lately. So if anyone would like to go please tell me. I haven't gone in a while and would do anything to go. My paintballs are just waiting to explode on someone.

Peace out


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