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Monday, March 08, 2004

Don't you hate it when your good friends get a girlfriend? Whenever the girl is around they act too cool for everyone and they try to show off for them. They should just be themselves and not be all pushy and try to make others look bad, cause, hey, that is why they liked them in the first place, cause they were being themselves. So all of you out there in viewer land if you like a girl just be yourself about it and if you want to look cool, first of all, dont try to, and second, dont try to make me look bad.

Toigo and I went to our field Saturday. We went through about 600 -700 rounds and only hit each other twice. He got hit in the the stomach and the chest but came back by hitting me in the side and right in the face. He will pay for that next time we play. He should expect no mercy.

Peace out


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