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Thursday, March 23, 2006

Book report is over with now. Don't know how I did. I usually zone out when I'm up there and just go on autopilot. Seemed all right, although I am a little disapointed that no one (except the required people) came to hear me. But I guess I'll get over that quickly.

LSU just beat Duke. Millions of people were just witnessed cussing out their t.v. screens. Good ol' J.J.

Tomorrow is the last day of school before Spring Break. This is a time when we get (what's it called again? oh yeah) free time. And a little thing I like to call sleeping in.

Who votes for me changing my profile picture? *Who can actually see my profile picture?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I clame the rights to the 2000th person to hit your blog. Trust me i just reset the counter so i didnt look so weird.

9:24 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Eric --

Actually, I'd like to see a picture, since there is none on my machine.

Come one, here in Brooklyn, we want to know what you look like. Or are you hiding?

Brooklyn Bum

8:51 PM


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