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Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Basketball tourney tonight. Didn't play, only watched. Some good teams, crazy guys from Robichaud and Caleb's wicked awesome team. After the tourney I stayed at church until 9:15. Why? Cause I wanted all the fellowship I could get? NO! Cause my parents left me. My dad had a deacons meeting, my mom didn't know that. My mom thought my dad was taking me home, my dad thought my mom was taking me home. Crazy mixed up situation resulting in me sitting in the lobby until 9:15. To all you parents out there, don't forget that you have kids (if you do, that is). And if they can drive, it would be a whole lot easier to just get them a car and/or a cell phone. That usually solves everything.

Got to give a book report tomorrow. It's oral. I hate it. I either go just screw it up (too much ad libbing), or I screw it up and go too long (to much ad libbing and getting into it, i.e. Antietam, The Bottled Imp, each 15 minutes). Either way I'm gonna mess it up. But do please come watch. I'll need all the people laughing at me that I can get. It builds the confidence (which, if you remember, is currently down to a 3 cause I have no friends, which I have recently been reminded of tonight, I really need to get my email adress out there).


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