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Monday, February 13, 2006

Ericsworld is proud to inform you that I wil be posting updaated medal counts and top news for the 2006 Winter Olympics. Since the Winter Olympics just as good as the Summer, they deserve space on the blog. Unfortunately, some of my readers do not like the Winter Olympics and would rather bite off their toenails. My goal is to convince these people to become more involved and to cheer on our athletes.

The Medal Count stands as is:
G S B Total
U.S.A - 4 2 0 6
Russia - 3 3 1 7
Germ. - 2 0 1 3
Norw. - 1 3 4 8
Nthd. - 1 2 0 3

U.S.A individual medals:
Men's Snowboarding Halfpipe
- Shaun White - Gold
- Danny Kass - Silver
Women's Snwboarding Halfpipe
- Hannah Teter - Gold
- Gretchen Bleiler - Silver
Men's 500m speed skating
- Joey Cheek - Gold
Men's 5000m Speed Skating
- Chad Hedrick - Gold


Anonymous Anonymous said...

All I have to say is - - - -

"U" "S" "A" - - "U" "S" "A" - - !!!!

2:02 PM


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