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Tuesday, February 07, 2006

I know it's been a while, and I'm sorry. I had so much I was going to blog about, but as fate would have it, I've forgotten most of it.

So me and Mike Walker have decided to try the sport of snowboarding. We have bought boards ($36, not bad) and I am currently looking for the other accessories required to snowboard (i.e. boots, goggles, snowpants). We have planned our first excursion for the last Saturday of February. Only free day we've had. It should be quite amusing. I went to Woodhaven Hill to try a few things on the new board. Turned out to be way too windy and more mud then snow. But I found the snowiest spot on the hill, plopped down, and strapped in. Now the last time I went "snowboarding" down Woodhaven Hill it was with a snowboard that could only go straight in a forward direction. Turns out this the real newfangled snowboards can go down the hill in any direction it wants to, you just have to tell it to go the right way. That's the hard part. You've just strapped yourself into the bindings and attempt to stand up. You get your butt off the ground and the board moves about two feet down the hill before you have to sit down again. Now remember, I'm facing both shoulders downhill. Snowboards don't go downhill that way, ski's do. But no, they have to slick the bottom of the board so that it goes down in any direction. Well I soon as I mastered the getting upright part, I'd go to twist the board so it would go downward in the right direction (right shoulder forward, and foot), but then the board would dig the toeside into the ground and I fall on my face. This whole process of standing up really quick, rotating the board even quicker, and falling on my face went on for about 5 trys. Then on the 6th I was successful in not falling after rotating the board. Yea for me! From then on it was smooth riding down the 30 or so feet to the bottom. So I think I have learned a couple things from my expedition to Woodhaven Hill (Mt. Doom). There are really only two hard parts two snowboarding (at least so far), 1) getting up and facing the right direction in one movement, 2) being able to turn while going downhill. The latter I have not had much experience with, seeing the "Mt. Doom" only gave me a 7-10 second run. But in those brief moments I attempted the turn and was unsuccessful except for a miniscule toeside turn. Which will be most helpful when getting off the ski lift. Which brings me to my next point (*when wil he shut up?!? I'm sick of reading this!): getting off the ski lift. I am not worried about the falling when getting up or snowballing down the mountain, but I am terrified of getting off the ski lift. From what I have seen and heard to get off the lift you go down a little ramp and turn left or right as soon as you have exited the chair. But the thing is, in order to get on to the lift you must have one foot out of the bindings at all times. Which means, that in order to navigate going down the little ramp the foot outside of its binding must be on the board to be able to turn it. And seeing how my luck usually goes with new things I try, my first time getting off I will go to start down the ramp and I will "trip." The chair I was sitting on will proceed to hit me in the back of the head as I am falling. I begin to get up and, once again, I fall on my face doing the rotating motion. By the time I do get up the people in the chair behind me have reached their destination and are impatient and angry with me because I am holding them up. Nervous, confused, and about to pee my nickers, I head down the ramp, only to fall halfway down (groans and uproars from the people behind me). After trying to get up and falling down again, I proceed to just slide down the rest of the way on my butt and just sit at the bottom of the ramp. I slowly shift to the side and just sit there, to scared to get up, lest I fall, to scared of the season skiiers behind me who are now laughing, pointing, swearing, and are thoroughly deeply annoyed. Yep, thats how I picture my first day of snowboarding going. Maybe with a little luck there won't be a ramp at all, you just glide off the chair (yeah, right). Well I guess I'll just have to wait and see how it goes.

I have had requests for this quote to be posted on here: "It's not hard to be a pimp with eigth grade girls." There you go guys, hope that makes your night.

Ron: "Who're you going with then?"
Fred: "Angelina."
Ron: "What? You've already asked her?"
Fred: "Good point. Oi, Angelina! Want to come to the ball with me?"

Ron and Fred Weasley
Goblet of Fire
J.K. Rowling


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