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Friday, July 29, 2005

Due to no one replying to my request I have arrived at the conclusion that nobody has the equipment I desire. Although you can still earn yourself two gold stars if you make a guess about what the project is the comments. Donating any equipment will earn you 5 gold stars. Good luck!

So I got to comandeer one of those huge mowers these last few days at my job. It was one of this big ones with the two handlebars used for steering. They are really tricky at first to maneuver but then once you get used to it it is really easy and seems slower.

Been biking a lot lately. Which brings me to another request (I am so cheap). Just about every night I take my bike and go from my house, over I -75, into Flat Rock, and to Telegraph. It's and estimated 3.5 miles to that point and 3.53896 back. Unfortunately all I have is a mountain bike so I can't do much. Have raised the seat up as high as it can go and put the gears up, but it is still nothing compared to a racing or touring bike. So..... if anyone has a bike with the turn down handlebars or is used for touring please contact me via the comments. Your time is greatly appreciated here at HEGCICF. Thanks, and good night!

Peace out

Saturday, July 23, 2005

I am working on a little project and am wondering if anyone has any of the following they would like to get rid of: an audio mixer (doesn't have to be extravagant, more like the one the high school uses), an antenna (12 ft. would be nice even though 99% of my reading audience won't have one it is worth a try), a low powered transmitter, and a compressor/limiter. I'm pretty sure I can get coaxial cable RG-8 and a microphone from where I work but if anyone has any of those please speak up. I am willing to buy, trade or receive for free (third one is most desired). And if anyone has figured out what the "project" is, well then good for you and you get 5 gold stars.

Peace out

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Seems like yesterday was when I posted last. Oh wait, it was yesterday. Of last year. I am so sorry my people that you were without your fearless and forboding (and bad spelling) leader for so long. But alas, I have returned from hither and thither.

Many things have happened since last time I posted so I'll write about all I can remember. Um, am still working at the JD warehouse. I'm there Mon and Fri so drop in. Mr Selstad has already come by to see the faithful, so few why haven't you?!?! Um, and doing 6v6 soccer. Um, watching endless coverage of the le Tour de France, and still not knowing who is in the lead. Um, went to Chicago. Um, many other things.

People, people. If you want to hear from me so badly just post a comment. Chances are if you wire me money and get me a credit card in your name I'll put your name on this site. Now how cool would that be. Hurry now! Don't delay! Comment now and the price will be deduced to only 539 payments of $0.63!! Better act quick you only have ten minutes to comment before this great deal is gone. (hegcicf is not responsible for any tramautic shock or loss of blood to the head while you are reading this advertisement. Anyone who comments with exactly 28 seconds left will automatically receive a free 2005 Mustang. Coupons are not accepted. Offer ends 7/13/05)

Peace out

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