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Tuesday, November 08, 2005

So Im gonna try switching browsers and see if that resolves the problem. Been using the default browser Internet Explorer ever since I got this G4. Finally found the errors of my ways and switched to Safari, the commonly used Mac browser. Much better, even a wee bit faster. Even the websites have little icons next to their adress. Pretty cool. But I still have to take the time to change my default browser to Safari. Maybe I could just erase Explorer and free up some memory for a new game (possible Breakout, or if I'm lucky: Super Breakout).

For now I'm just going to have to experiment to find the problem of THE DISAPEARING POSTS. But let those blank posts be a sign to you that I have stayed true to my word and have posted more often.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

A little overdone, and a bit ODD - but since you and the Lucasmeister are so tight, how about ending with "May the force be with you." Or you could "tweak" it and say "Go with the Force!!!" Ha ha - - I know, I know - - - keep trying! AB

2:10 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey - It just hit me after re-reading the post - - - - since your dog is the one doing the posting, how about "Bark On" - - it's kinda like the canine version of "Peace out"!


2:15 PM


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