Saturday, April 29, 2006

This would be my face after it was struck with a baseball. That was a month or so ago, it looks loads better now. Funny thing is that sometimes my face will "twinge" at that same spot. Don't know why, could be a curse scar like Harry Potter's. Just as long as I don't start seeing visions I'll be ok. Anyway, this is just a test to see if my new way of adding pics actually works.
Friday, April 28, 2006
Why do people ostracize? Are they just too cool for someone? Do they not care about the other person? Is this just another thing that teenagers have to deal with? We mine as well add it to the list: peer pressure, "cliques", ostracism, many other things. It seems that girls are more likely to exclude than guys. But, also, if guys get mad, they hit and it's done. If girls get mad, they hold grudges. They spread rumours. They exclude. There have been warnings to parents that they should ask their daughter if they are being ostricized. It is an issue with any teenager. But does it have to be? Sure, their are your certain friends who are like you that you hang out with. But can you never allow someone else into the group? At Inter-City I have established that there are about 3-4 "cliques" of guys. Not saying that's bad. But I have heard that girls groups are much more intricate and complex. Maybe I'm just trying to figure out the mind of women. Yes, I know it is not possible. According to Joe, "Men can spend a lifetime contemplating a woman's mind. Women can take one minute to figure out what is going on in a man's mind." Seems a little funny to me how girls can be so harsh to one another. Jealousy is probably a main issue. Not saying guys are perfect, but it's more common in girls. It's funny, sorta not really, but sad.
Disclaimer: I have not been ostracized, excluded, or rejected in any way. please no comments regarding me. this is an opinion "article". thank-you.
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
According to Wikipedia: "In online diaries people write their day-to-day experiences, complaints, poems, prose, illicit thoughts and more, often allowing others to contribute through comments or community posting." This is what my blog is. This is my area to tell people what is happening in my life. If I want to complain, I can, it's my blog. I respect your comments, but not when they are posted anonymously. If you want to cut something down, have the guts to tell me who you are. But for now, just realize that this is only an online diary for your viewing pleasure. (No, I will not post about the baseball complaints for reasons beyond your control. And, the song is staying unless you give me a better song)
Please recommend ericsworld (however moody it might be) to those both foreign and abroad. Thank you.
I enjoy the comments, but please do not comment anonymously anymore.
Monday, April 24, 2006
Baseball has begun. Oh yipee!! (please sense the sarcasm, its saturated in it) But all I have to do is endure 2 hour practices and sitting on the bench for the season. Shouldn't be too bad. Cept I would rather be doing something else.
If you will notice I have added a map as well to my sidebar. So far it is making me feel a little down, cause only people in MI read it. If you happen to know of anyone in a foreign country please refer them to this site. It woud make me feel a lot better about myself. I am here to make a difference in the world (WORLD, not just Michigan. MI has chosen its own fate).
Cell phone? Digital camera? or ______? Please comment on which I should choose or fill in the blank with your own opinion.
Any requests for a song to be played in the sidebar will also be appreciated.
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
Have just returned from sunny, warm South Carolina. Trust me, the weather is worth the 10 hour drive. But I still thank the Lord for iPods. Anyway, S.C. has an average temperature of 78 degrees, palm trees on every corner, lavish homes, and the ocean. O.K., so maybe that was Hilton Head, but it's still in S.C. We picked up Janelle from the Opportunity Place (Bob's World, BoJo Land, The Stevinator's Residence, Bob Jones), and eventually headed more south. Hilton Head is the aristocratic island where you have to pay to drive in some parts, pay to park, and pay for light fixture damages. It has a total of two (2) public beaches and plenty of swamp land. Houses run from $300,000 to $7 million+. More on S.C. later.
Reccomended movie of the week: Red Greene: Duct Tape Forever
Reccomended (v)podcast of the week: 90 Seconds of Dave, please view his last 3 movies and then comment on the errors of his ways ( The rest of his movies are very good.