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Saturday, September 25, 2004

Soccer. I have lived, breathed, slept, and ate soccer for the past month. Every thing I've talked about has been about soccer. When I dream, I dream about soccer. When I breath it is to get more air after running miles for soccer. Soccer, soccer everywhere. Thought it would be hard to get sick of my favorite sport, but I think I've almost reached that point. Soccer is fun when all it is is just a few practices and some games. Now it's win or die the next day at practice. Don't play well and you won't play at all. Anyway, I'll quit talking about it so that you don't get sick of it.

Can think of no other topics so will leave it at that. Please comment on who you are. You can take that either way you want.

Peace out

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Please feel free to make comments on this blog. Give me feedback. Tell me if you like the site. Tell me who you are. Give me some answers for the PC vs. MAC quiz. Comment on goofy vs. regular. Anything!

Monday, September 20, 2004

For all of those who were so eagerly waiting the results of the PC vs. MAC results I'm sorry to dissapoint you. Unfortunately being a freshman has the downside of not knowing how to make a quiz for this site. And also frequently hitting the help key instead of the delete key. I will consult the rabbi and use his advice to concoct a little survey for the PC vs. MAC question.

Skateboarding. Art form? Lifestyle? Nuisance? Answers vary depending on who you ask. Some call it an art form. Each skater has his own distinct way of skating. They have their own way of being one with the board. Their own individual way to stand out from the other skaters. Some call it a lifestyle. Eat, sleep, and drink skateboarding. Wakeup, ride board to school, skate home, then skate with your friends. The lifestyle can be taken to far though. When everything revolves around it and your whole attitude on life becomes like Bam Margera's (sweet skater, freak though, skates just like me: goofy with a left foot push off, very few in the world do that, it makes me feel special). Some may call it a nuisance. Only parents and property owners call it this. Unfortunately there are not that many places to skate so we go to parking lots and skate there. Its the true street skating. When property owners see the paint being peeled off their rails or curbs they get mad and ban us from their place. They unfortunately take away the art form. I'll leave this one up to you again. Art form? Lifestyle? or Nuisance? Im in the middle of art form and lifestyle. Please consult your dictionary before making a bias decision, thank you.

Peace out

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