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Saturday, May 22, 2004

Once again I have not blogged in a while and I have forgotten everything I was gonna say. Oh well.

Go to www.notquietnow.blogspot.com and read this person's blog. It is a very cool story and well written. But to get everything start from the beginning.

I want to go paintballing so if someone is going tell me and I'll come too. I am bored at home and I want to go shoot somebody (in a non-violent way of course).

Glad the Pistons made it out of the series with the Nets. It felt good to hold Kidd to no points since he was the one that took us out of it last year. We'll just have to see if they can hold on against the farm boys.

Played on my dad's softball team today. A guy got hurt and they had no subs so they asked me to play. Bummer I got the worst position on the field: catcher! I don't really care though it was really easy and everyone hit the ball so I had nothing to worry about. The pitcher made me mad, he told everyone to scoot in. So I pegged one at him but he caught it which kinda took away from the fun of it. But hey, who cares, at least I got to play. Oh yeah did I mention that almost everyone on the team is over 35? Yeah that was kinda funny to watch them dive for balls.

Well I'm all blogged out for now. I will try to get a picture of something on here sometime soon.

Peace out

Wednesday, May 05, 2004

Sorry bout not bloggin. I haven't had much time.

So school stinks right now. My softball team hates me and blames everything on me even when they make a mistake. They also forget that people do have ears and they can hear what you are saying about them. They also need to realize that they others aren't as good as them but that they aren't the superstars. And they need to show respect to people who are trying their hardest. While they hate me I just will do the same to them too. And if I hit a home run I'm not going to high five them because they havent given me any respect.

My baseball team pretty much hates me too. They think that everyone is as good as them and those who aren't are just terrible players. So if I ever hit a home run during the season I won't high five any of them either.

Have you ever had people get mad at you just because you don't know an answer? They think you are smart and let you do all of the work for the team. And whenever you don't know an answer they get ticked at you cause they are too frickin lazy to even try. They just rely on you and whenever you can't help they get mad when it they should be helping too. Well now I'm sick of people trying to use my brain for their own good, so now i'm just gonna keep my mouth shut and not even help them and let them figure something out for once.

Have you ever had something stolen from the locker room? Well I have, and it makes me ticked. I mean come on, this is suppose to be a Christian school, the last thing you'd expect is stuff being stolen. I mean these people don't even care that others have worked hard for something, they just go steal it. Well when I find out who stole from me they won't be too happy the next day.

If everyone was like Brandon Miller there would be world peace. Why can't everyone else be humble and so unselfish like him. It might be a very silent world but at least people would care about each other. That's my "shout out" to you Brandon so stay cool and don't change (execpt you can talk more, please).

Peace out

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