Welcome to Eric's World. Here you can enjoy reading about my life.

Sunday, February 29, 2004

I have bought my new paintball gun. It is a Spyder Victor. Once again if anyone knows of some cool places to go for paintball then please tell me at school.

Saturday was our final bball game. We beat Southfield in overtime. It was a great game the whole way and it felt good to shut down Stacey Waters. It was a great way to end the season especially with a victory over them.

If anyone who is reading this site likes it please tell me at school and tell all of your friends about this site too.

Peace out

Friday, February 27, 2004

I am going to go buy a paintball gun tomorrow w/ Matt Toigo. If anyone knows a good place to go to use it tell me at school. Or if anyone is forming a group to go somewhere please tell me.

I must go do nothing now.

Peace out

Thursday, February 26, 2004

Below is my future car.

This is the beautiful Porsche Canera GT. If anyone would like to buy this car for me please speak up.

Peace out

Wednesday, February 25, 2004

Once again I have decided to blog y'all today on this cheery Ash Wednesday. Today is also the day that the movie The Passion comes out. Now was that good timing or what to release a movie like that? It's a bummer that it's in Aramaic though.

Want to thank a melvinist for helping me post pics on the blog. He has finally come out in the open about his comet-chasing subculture melvinism (joking about the comet thing of course). I just have one question. I have a friend named Alvin, can I start a subculture called Alvinism?

For now just know that I am some kid that has too much time on his hands to be blogging every day like this (See pic below). If we just leave it at that then I'm sure we can be good friends. There will be more pics to come on the blog so keep on coming back and tell me at school if you like this site or not. If you hate this site then just keep your opinion to yourself.

Peace out

Monday, February 23, 2004

I am so close to finding out how to put pics on here. That is what I have spent most of my time doing today is trying to figure that out. I learned one thing: nobody in the world uses a mac!!But I do and Im proud of it

Peace out

Sunday, February 22, 2004

Today was spent doing nothing. It was actually prettty fun. Watched Billy Madison and Major Payne which are both hilarious movies. There really aint much to blog about so I'll just leave at that.

Be patient with the pics. Someday they will come. Someday.

Peace out

Saturday, February 21, 2004

Pretty long day today. I had my b-ball game, and Janelle's v-ball tourney that took all day pretty much. The only fun part about the tourney is that only girls play v-ball. But girls from Melvindale area are pretty ugly. Crestwood finally made the games fun to watch because of numbers 1 and 5.

Thanks to the wonderful world of Google I have finally found out what melvinism is (pretty much).

Still trying to figure out how to put pics of myself on here

Peace out

Friday, February 20, 2004

Today is Friday!!!! And in case you didn't already know that means no schoool tomorrow. I still don't know how to put up pics yet so somebody please tell me how. And I am still waiting to find out what melvinism is.

If you are bored some night talk to me on im. My sn is blondedude422.

Peace out

Thursday, February 19, 2004

The book report is finally out of the way and it feels sooo good! I will keep on trying to get pics up of myself as soon as I can so if anyone is reading this just be patient.

If anyone knows what melvinism is please tell me

Peace out

Wednesday, February 18, 2004

Hey this is my first blog! I feel so special. You will be seeing more entries later on. But for now I will just leave it like this. In a few days I will try to get pics of myself on here. Right now I must go prepare for a report.

Peace out

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