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Sunday, August 13, 2006

Sorry you've had to wait for so long. But the time has come, and your patience shall be rewarded.

Went to an air show last Saturday out at Willow Run Airport. It was meant to be a demonstration of yesterday's and today's greatest flying firepower. OK, so it was only one of today and many of yester-year. But on the side was a great mock battle put on by several reenactors from around the country. People from MO and IL brought up their Stewart tanks and half-tracks to participate. There had to be about 20-25 different vehicles present. After two "battles" (using blanks, except for the machine guns which fired propane, save the .50 cal. which fired live blanks creating the most pleasant array of fire emission and sound effects someone can ever hear) they closed by running over an old VW with their tanks.

"If the Germans would deploy now we could begin with the battle!"

This is an ex-JD employee trying to take out a German APC with a bazooka. The whole audience was looking on in anticipation. The Germans were prepared to die. He jumps out and gets into a stance to fire. The fuse is light...and....wait for it... it sizzles out. No dead Germans... just one dead American holding a backfired bazooka.

For my Canadian audience - this is the Canadian Jump Team. You can't see it but their parachute canopy is the maple leaf. Since I have conquered snowboarding (for the most part) my next goal is to skydive. That goal will be reached in a long time from now, when I'm out of college and actually have money. For now I'll stick to watching fireworks on the roof.


Blogger A Weaver's Touch said...

Too funny about the non-working bazooka - well, funny since it wasn't real, I guess! Looks like fun. Funny to me that the Maple Leaf chute is so small and the US Flag is so big! :) How nice of them!

I'll join you in skydiving - have always wanted to - and MIGHT be brave enough by the time you stated! (Maybe I should just do the snowboarding next year and see if I live through that first!)

8:52 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice pics, wish I was there. The canadian jump team must have been using their new "invisi-parachute," the next in state of the art parachute technology, basically active camo. Oh, you didn't know that, well.
But I see a big diff in snowboarding and skydiving, maybe you should bungie jump first.

9:26 PM


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