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Saturday, May 27, 2006

This post is comming to you from sunny Indiana. I am cuurently in the Napanee Public Library because my grandparents do not have internet. We have dropped off Janelle with some girl in Cincinnati. They are going down to the Wilds together. So I have officially gotten rid of her for the summer. Joyous times are ahead. Times of ecstasy, celebration, and days without remorse. By the way, the girl she was going with has 8 siblings. And it's just me and my long gone hamster. Times are good.

I cannot think of anything else to say except that school is almost out. Good and bad.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Thursday was the sophomores zoo field trip. Wet, cold, long day. But it got us out of school. Zoo was all right, a little too much rain though. After the zoo was Cici's pizza. Good place. Weird pizza. Ever heard of a macaroni and cheese pizza? Yeah, neither had I. But, it was a good time.

The play was last night and tonight. Seemed like it went well to me. I didn't realize how funny it really was until I had the audience laugh at stuff I just overlooked. They sounded like they enjoyed them (or at least David). And if you happened to attend Friday nights performance, I had nothing to do with the mask sticking to the Red Death. Anyway, after that night we all found out some good uses for techno. And I found out that actors are really really dramatically weird, and to never play techno in their presence again.

Few more weeks left of school. Good and bad.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Time. Do we possess too much? Or too little? Is 24 hours enough time to do school, baseball, play, homework, and still try to catch up with friends?

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