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Thursday, December 29, 2005

Christmas has come and past. This year it has brought along a little thing I like to call DSL. Our family's Christmas gift to ourselves was kicking out Ol' Bessy (rest her soul, *yeah right!) and bringing in the Deion Sanders Line (DSL, cause it can charge through anything to bring you the internet). Gone are those days of two day downloads, gone are the days of no Stupid Videos or Podcasts. In its place are the days of online gaming (Halo, MOHAA), downloads cause I feel like it, and more blog posts for your viewing pleasure.

An announcement from ericsworld.blogspot.com: anonymous comments will no longer be tolerated on this site. We here at ericsworld.blogspot.com will not honor those who think it is witty to comment anonymously. Therefore, from here on out all comments wishing to be shown on this blog to the general public must have some sort of identification. Thank you for your cooperation.

Been laying in wood floors the last two days. Not the easiest job, but once you get started its really easy. Looks good so far, and we are only half way done. Feel free to come to our humble abode if you have had any experience in wood floors. Your assistance would be greatly appreciated.

"Don't be prat, Neville, that's illegal," said George. "They wouldn't use the Cruciatus Curse on the champions. I thought it sounded a bit like Percy singing... maybe you've got to attack him while he's in the shower, Harry."
George Weasley
Goblet of Fire

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Scarves. In style or out of style? Is it just me or are scarves coming back in style not just for the girls but even for the boys. There are almost more guys wearing scarves now. Fashion statement or just cold necks? Is it a sign of things to come? Will everyone once again be wearing scarves as part of their outdoor attire? There is also tons of different varities of these things. Average scarf is two toned, striped, and both ends (when wrapped around the neck) reach about to the bottom of the ribs. But there are also those with messages, plain colored, and ones that reach down to the feet. I guess I'll just have to give it another year or so to find out if scarves are back in. But for the meantime give me your thoughts on what you think. Leave a comment including whether scarves are in or not (if no, then will they ever be in?), what you believe is the perfect scarf (# of tones, design, message, length, material), or whether or not guys should leave them to the girls. Your replys are greatly appreciated. We thank you for participating in this survey (yeah right, as if anyone will actually comment).

Mad-Eye Moody?" said George thoughtfully, spreading marmalade on his toast. "Isn't he that nutter-"
"Your father thinks very highly of Mad-Eye Moody," said Mrs. Weasley sternly.
"Yeah, well, Dad collects plugs, doesn't he?" said Fred quietly as Mrs. Weasley left the room. "Birds of a feather..."

Goblet of Fire
J.K. Rowling
Scholastic Publishing
Copyright 2003?

Monday, December 12, 2005

So Friday was Micah's social gathering. Did anything from watching about 10 recorded Whose Lines? to playing Halo 1 & 2 on the famous "big screen" (soon to be dubbed "Foe Hammer", but no one knows about that yet). You can't get much better than staying up til 5:30 chugging down Coke and Little Caesears, playing Halo, and watching the Village People sing about Horward. Good times. Can't think about too much else though that I can relay back to you about the party. So I'll leave it at that.

Read some good books lately. Began The Hobbit few weeks ago for a book report. Still haven't finished it, but it's been really good so far. Also just finished Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. Had read it before in the summer, but didn't have much time to read it and understand it because I had to return it to a friend before I left for vacation. But after rereading the book my rating stays the same. "Par excellence", JKR has a "savoir-faire" and her "elan" is demonstrated in how well she writes the "tete-a-tete's" of the characters and how she will still give them occasional "faux pas." In other words, it was very good, can't wait til the 7th, they just keep on getting better and better. But on to another great book, A Wrinkle in Time. I read it once in 5th grade and just now remembered the title of it thanks to Google. It is a very interesting story and just a little fantastical and for children. Yet still, I want to reread it, because if it can stay in my mind for five years it must have been good. Will be going to the library soon to get it and Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire to reread. Should be some good times ahead if only I didn't have so much homework. Oh well.

Yeah, someone might slip dragon dung in it again, eh, Perce?" said Fred.
"That was a sample of fertilizer from Norway!" said Percy, going very red in the face. "It was nothing personal!"
"It was," Fred whispered to Harry as they got up from the table. "We sent it."
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

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