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Sunday, July 11, 2004

Been a while. But I'm back.

Just got back from vacation in Iowa. What's in Iowa you ask? Well our family has this tradition of having Christmas on someday other than Christmas. It is usually on Thanksgiving but my cousin is getting married then so it was changed to the 4th of July. Well our family rented out this cabin on this really big lake for a week. My uncle's boat broke down so our neighbors took us out on his boat. Unfortunately both days we went the air was freezing. But it was fun anyways. We went tubing w/ this sofa looking tube and I learned how to kneeboard the first day. Kneeboarding is very fun, hard to get on the thing at first but once you get the hang of it is a blast. On my last time up I tried the "easy" 360 turn and found out that you get a facefull of water when you don't do it right. The next day we went to a very calm part of the lake and learned how to wakeboard. Fairly easy to get up and stay up when you remember to have the weight in the back, but not so easy to turn when it's your first time. Yeah, I found that out the painful way. On my fourth attempt I actually stayed up until it was time to turn. The boat turned and so did the rope, unfortunately (even through all my efforts to) I could not turn with the boat and I ended up go sideways, getting the board underwater (at 30 m.p.h.) and doing a faceplant that ripped my feet out of the board (sign of a very bad fall because the feet shouldn't ever come out) and made my face tingle for a few minutes.

Also went bike riding down there in good ol' farm country. The hills weren't very fun though. Yeah those started to burn after a while. At the end of the week after biking like 20 miles, flying over the handle bars on a really high nose stall, and running into every wildlife creature imaginable I got sorta sore.

Went throught Chicago for a few hours on the way back. Ate Giardono's pizza for the first time. That stuff is so good and so thick (duh! Chicago deep dish), the cheese itself is like an inch thick. And to us Michiganders it was all upside down. Chicago has got to be one of the coolest cities in the U.S. There were so many people just on the sidewalk by the beach nonetheless on the Magnificent Mile. And the street performers in Detroit are nothing compare to theirs. There was a guy singing while playing the keyboard, a guy playing the sax, a teriible guitar player, a gut painted in bronze posing as a cowboy statue ( yeah that was cool), this group of guys playing these beat up trombones and a sousaphone, and a few groups of kids banging out a beat on the buckets. Yeah, you got to give it to Chicago, it's a pretty cool city.

Peace out

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