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Saturday, June 05, 2004

So I cleaned out my locker yesterday and you wont believe what i found. Along with the usual trash and paper and junk I found a potato. Yes a potato. It is about a foot and a half long now. It turns out that I had brought the little creauture in for a science project and never used it. So I guess i forgot to take it home and it stayed in the back of my locker all year. It was in a bag and it started to grow through the bag. So by the end of the year it had grown straight up behind my books. Well I'll try to get a picture of it on here by tommorrow.

Saw the third Harry Potter movie yesterday also. She I mean it was great. She I mean the movies keep on getting better and better. Except for the second one that was so stupid and pointless. But hey now Im hooked on the series thing ( I wonder why), and can't wait to start reading the books and when the 4th movie comes out: The Phoenix's Goblet of Fire or sumtin like that.

Blogging is really weird. I feel like Im talking to myself when im making a post. So if anyone is actually reading this please tell me and tell me what u think about it.


Peace out

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